This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 1 [Mon, Jan 9th] - Tasks

Admin info relevant to the week will appear in this tab.

  1. Install Java before the lecture
  2. Create a GitHub account
  3. Submit the pre-module survey by Fri, Jan 13th 2359
  4. Attend the lecture
  5. Submit weekly exercises

0 Learn about the module and the website

1 Install Java before the lecture

  • See the panel below:

2 Create a GitHub account

  • See the panel below:

3 Submit the pre-module survey by Fri, Jan 13th 2359

  • Submit the pre-module survey, available on Canvas

4 Attend the lecture

  • There is no tutorial in this week. The lecture will start at 7.30pm.

5 Submit weekly exercises

  • As you learn the weekly topics, submit Week 1 programming exercise on Coursemology. See the panel below for more info. More instructions about this will be provided during the lecture.